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Writer's pictureYasir Zeb

Three Important Aspects Of Page SEO

Most respectable search engines allow you to register with them for free. There is usually a link near the bottom of their page for submitting your site. Whether you do this yourself or pay someone to do it for you make sure your site is registered with at least all the major search engines including Google, Yahoo, and Bing. They are the way most people look for sites of their interest. However, with literally millions of sites out there, you have to be aware of at least the basics to get your website listed effectively.

Page titles

Don’t forget to title your pages. This is what appears on the top of your visitor’s browser and it's one of the things search engines look for when finding pages. Don’t just put a home page or even just the name of your business. Include the name of your site with a short few words description.

Your title tag will look like this:

<title>your title<title>

and is inserted in between your head tags. Even if you are using an HTML editor that puts the title in for you, make sure you double-check them so they are what you want.

Meta tags

Meta tags are what some search engines use as a factor to rank your site. The main ones are your keywords and your description tags. Your keywords are a list of words or phrases about your website. Your description is just like it sounds, a brief description of your site. They are also put between your head tags and will look something like this:

<META name="keywords" content=“your keywords here”>

<META name="description" content=”your description here”>

There are quite a few HTML editors out there that will do your meta tags for you, all you have to do is type in the keywords and description and then cut and paste the tags into your HTML.

Page text

When someone types in a search, the search engine also looks for words in the text of the page. Make sure your page has as many relevant keywords on it as possible.

It will take a while once you register for your site to come up on the search engines. Getting rankings on Google, Yahoo, and Bing (the three major search en

gines) can take months. It is also recommended that you keep track of how your site is doing on the search engine. If you’re not coming up on the first page for the keywords you are targeting you may want to take another look at how you can get better search engine positioning as most searches will not go beyond the first page. You can also write blogs or paraphrase blogs to put on your site to get relevant content on your site. You can perhaps consider paying for a professional SEO to do this job for you if search engine optimization is a new word in your vocabulary. Just make sure you get someone experienced with getting good SEO results. There are SEO companies out there who will provide this service which will increase the targeted traffic and increase profits for your site.

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